Published On: 28/11/2023

Practice Area: Employment Law


Avik Biswas
Sowmya Kumar
Vaibhav Bhardwaj
Donavie D’costa
Ivana Chatterjee
Rithika Reddy Varanasi
Snehal Walia
Our latest Employment Corner Bulletin addresses the most important developments between August and October 2023 in employment law and HR practices in India. This edition puts a spotlight on certain changes that are significant for both employers and employees. They include (i) some sectors being classified as public utility service, (ii) certain States adopting their own Gig Worker Guidelines, (iii) Maharashtra proposing menstrual leaves for all women employees and (iv) the Supreme Court clarifying that fixed-term employees are entitled to maternity benefits even where the period of maternity benefit extends beyond the expiry of the tenure. Our standalone section on market trends highlights some of the remarkable measures that certain employers across the country seem to be adopting, including the recruitment of a ‘Chief Fitness Officer’ and the rolling out of a 5-year maternity leave policy.