Published On: 06/03/2020


Manishii Pathak
Natasha Sahni
The law concerning gig economy has seen transformational changes in the year 2019. This article discusses the developments in the law relating to gig economy in the USA and India. This is in continuation of our earlier article, India and the Gig Economy. The law regarding gig economy has seen major developments in the USA as the state of California, USA has now codified the said law. Such developments are expected to bring changes to the traditional workforce structures and human resource practices followed in the USA. India, being the uprising gig economy, has also been witnessing huge growth in number of gig workers in the past few years. This has led the Indian legislature to introduce the gig workers in one of the draft labour code bill i.e. the Code on Social Security, 2019 (the 'Code'), which has also been discussed herein. In light of this, INDUSLAW's Manishi Pathak and Natasha Sahni discuss the key developments in India and the USA.