PPP In The Rail Sector - Challenges For Modernizing India’s Rail Network
Ran Chakrabarti, Partner, IndusLaw, Published on Mondaq.com, May 2015.

Back in February this year, India announced an ambitious rail budget, proposing to invest almost USD 16 billion in rail projects over the coming year.1 Previously, in December 2014, it had further liberalized the sector to permit foreign direct investment of up to 100 per cent across a range of rail assets, including the construction, operation and maintenance of high-speed, suburban and freight corridors, signaling and infrastructure projects and the manufacturing and maintenance of rolling stock.


Railways Budget: A gravy train for the investors?
Nishant Singh, Partner, IndusLaw, Published on VCCircle.com, July 2014.

The Railways Budget lacks clear blue print but creates a clear blue water between this budget and any previous budgets. I guess, by now, most of us have deliberated the bold to the fine print of the Railways Budget 2014-15. At the first blush, it looks delightfully vague. Unable to see a clear blue print, the stock market gave its knee jerk reaction by shedding 518 points. Given the clean mandate of the Modi Government and its market-based reformist approach and, more importantly, after taking the bravest move to hike 14.2% in passenger fares and 6.5% in freight tariffs, FDI was expected to be like a clear writing on all railways coaches!